The National Trust of Fiji manages 8 heritage sites in Fiji. These sites are:

Yadua Taba Crested Iguana Sanctuary

Fiji’s Native Iguana


Sigatoka Sand Dunes

Fiji’s first national park

Wasali Rainforest Reserve

Fiji’s Endemic Ground & Tree Frog

Momi Battery Historical Park

Fiji’s first line of defence


Levuka Historical Port Town

Fiji’s first World  Heritage Site

Sovi Basin

Fiji’s largest land protected area

Nakanacagi Bat Sanctuary

Fiji’s first bat sanctuary


Laucala Ring-Ditch Fortification

Fiji’s old village site

Garrick Forest Reserve

Fiji’s rainforest protected area

 Built Heritage Program

The NTF Built Heritage Program supports the conservation of listed heritage buildings with professional assistance.

The principal objectives of the Built Heritage Program are to:

  • Promote the conservation of listed heritage buildings in a strategic manner consistent with best practice for built heritage conservation.
  • Foster relationships between building owners, planners and historians.
  • Support conservation works for public heritage buildings and places.

The NTF priorities are to support:

  • Conservation of culturally significant fabric.
  • Better understanding of the heritage value of a building or structure.
  • Safety in the structural integrity of a building or structure.
  • Development of Conservation Management Plan for buildings where required.

Development proposals for heritage buildings which are listed under municipal Scheme Statements require the written recommendations of the Director, NTF, to such proposals prior to submission to the Department of Town and Country Planning.


Fijian Crested Iguana Conservation Program

The Fijian crested iguana (Brachylophus vitiensis) and the banded iguanas (B. fasciatus, B. bulabula and B. gau) are among one of the most distinctive reptiles in the world. The NTF iguana conservation program includes the management of Yadua Taba Island, a sanctuary for the Fijian crested iguana, and the implementation of the Fijian Iguana Species Recovery Plan.


Disaster Risk Reduction

The National Trust of Fiji manages several Protected Areas in Fiji. These national parks, nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries can play a critical role in disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies by ensuring that these natural ecosystems are intact and in good health. The NTF understands that these natural ecosystems contribute greatly towards mitigating a range of disasters. The NTF also understands that effective DRR strategies helps support vulnerable communities by preserving their heritage.

Cultural and natural heritage themselves are important contributors towards reducing the effects of disasters in various ways such as using traditional knowledge systems and local management systems.


Geospatial Information Technology

The National Trust of Fiji through its Geospatial Information System (GIS) accesses the latest satellite and spatial data for use in mapping and analysis of biodiversity information.

Such information are important as they are used in the management, planning and monitoring of conservation efforts at all NTF sites.



National Trust of Fiji

PO Box 2089

Government Buildings,


Fiji Islands


Phone: (679) 3301807

Fax: (679) 3305092

Email: info@nationaltrust.org.fj