Together we have protected and cared for places of natural beauty, history, and culture for our people to enjoy. Help us continue to keep such places for the enjoyment of all peoples!
“The need for quiet, the need of air, and I believe the sight of sky and things growing, seem human needs, common to all men.” Octavia Hill, 1888
Vacancy Education Officer
The National Trust of Fiji (NTF) is a statutory authority establishedunder the National Trust of Fiji Act (Cap 265) to manage designated areas of...
Vacancy – Gardner/Driver
The National Trust of Fiji (NTF) is a statutory authority established under the National Trust of Fiji Act (Cap 265) to manage designated areas of...
Vacancy – Driver/Maintenance Officer
The National Trust of Fiji (NTF) is a statutory authority established under the National Trust of Fiji Act (Cap 265) to manage designated areas of...
Vacancy GIS Officer – Kiwa project
The National Trust of Fiji (NTF) is a statutory authorityestablished under the National Trust of Fiji Act (Cap265) to manage designated areas of...
National Trust of Fiji
PO Box 2089
Government Buildings,
Fiji Islands
Phone: (679) 3301807
Fax: (679) 3305092