90 WWF Fiji Volunteers from Suva spent a day helping Park Rangers at the Sigatoka Sand Dunes National Park.
Since there were many willing hands, the Rangers got the group to help them with the maintenance of the Nursery first. They tidied up, transported the many bagged seedlings to their new temporary home, potted seedlings and created new seed beds.
Then they headed to the Park’s 1 hour beach front where they built beach tepees and also a conspicuous beach exit for our many visitors. It was an overcast and drizzly day but that didn’t dampen the group’s spirit. They worked diligently and were able to successfully complete the tasks set for them.
This is not the first time WWF Fiji Volunteers are doing voluntary work. They have been coming to the Park nearly every year. “It was a good opportunity to share the work of the Park and the National Trust of Fiji to the volunteers. They get to experience protected area work and how we can all contribute positively to our environment and society” said Ranger Saimoni.
NTF appreciates the enthusiasm and support of the WWF Fiji volunteers. Vinaka vakalevu.